Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Backyard Bible Club Pictures

Lauren has now spent two days in "real" Hawaii and with the Chuukese kids. I don't know about how she feels, but I am exhausted!
Yesterday we made stained glass crosses. Today we made picture frames and talked about the Prodigal Sons. The picture frames with the most glitter glue managed to fly across the ground and land in a pile of grass...the joys of outdoor crafting! Tomorrow the kids will get their frames back (hopefully grass free) and a picture of themselves and a friend to go in their frame.
Here are pictures from the past two days of Backyard Bible Club:

Tasha hulahooping

Lauren's beautiful stain-glass cross


Lauren introduced the group to pirate tag!

Sometimes I think that I am a jungle gym. One would get up, another would plop down.

Discipleship girls minus Maile

Attempting a jumping picture. We proceeded to get soaking wet right after this one, so they never perfected it. 

Supposedly, this was Raston's first time doing the dishes!

Lauren and Urko concentrating on the picture frame.

Raston, Kiwo, and Nozania

Randall and Kimo

Mr. Personality


Completed frames!
Much love to all!

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